Sunday, November 23, 2008


Subject: sister-in-laws.

So last night I worked the night shift and about 11pm a man came in
with his foot bleeding a bit like a river flows.   He hadn't brought
any record of medical history, no money, and I could tell he had had
a bit too much to drink.   Anyway, long story short, after he tromps
all over our ER, dripping blood everywhere, almost falling over, I
finally got him to go sit down.....outside.    I'm so
compassionate.    :)  We soaked his foot in bleach water (ouch)
and he told us a bit about what happened.  Apparently, he had gotten
into a fight with his sister-in-law.   She had taken a rice blade to
his foot and his brother brought him into the hospital four hours
later (did he just sit there at look at his foot bleed....I don't get
it).     I couldn't help but laugh just a little bit.   Then I
thought about how I am going to have a sister-in-law so very soon!  I
started trembling at the thought.  I had just seen evidence of how
crazy a sister-in-law could be.   :)  Taylor and Nilmini will get
married in Loma Linda just after I return in March. Ok, ok,  so  the
truth is, I'm actually SO excited to gain a sister.   Nilmini is
amazing and even if she came at me with a rice knife I think I could
take her on.  :)
As I cleaned up the blood from this man's stitch-deserving gash, I
thought about how Fletcher and I have already had so much fun with
Nil when she comes to's like making up lost time on
getting to know a sibling that you just recently met.  Can't wait for
your wedding Tay and Nil.

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